How can I download history of quotes to MT4?
How to use the historical data?

In order to download quotes from the terminal you should:

1. Update the terminal. In order to do it download MetaTrader 4  (build 220 or later) and install it over the older version. You will not be able to import the quotes via LiveUpdate.

2. Increase the maximum quantity of bars in MetaTrader 4 settings on the basis that one day in the History contains 1440 M1 bars: MT4 / Tools / Options / Charts / Max bars in history);

3. Go to the History Center in MetaTrader 4: MT4 / Tools / History Center;

4. Choose the time-frame of the neccessary instrument you are interested in (double click for example on EURUSD/1 min) and press Download.

As a result, MetaTrader 4 downloads the history of M1 quotes from our History Center and imports them to MT4 time-frames.

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